Pan America Youth Chess Championship in Chicago
The Renaissance Knights Chess Foundation, the International Chess School, the United States Chess Federation, the Confederation of Chess for America, and the International Chess Federation (FIDE), are pleased to invite players under 18 years old (as of Jan 1, 2023) from North, South and Central America to play in the 33rd Annual Pan American Youth Championship.
The tournament is open to all players from the United States, so don’t miss this once in a lifetime to play in this tournament. Register today at

Players will participate in the following categories: Under 8 years old, under 10, under 12, under 14, under 16, and under 18; Open and Girls sections.
This is an international tournament where FIDE Titles and norms will be awarded to the top 3 players in each section. Trophies will also be awarded to the top players in each section. This will be a FIDE and US Chess-rated tournament. Players may register online through the event website. The early entry fee is $250.00 through July 11 (This includes the $100 FIDE America fee).
The tournament is a 9-Round, Swiss with a time control of 90 minutes plus 30 seconds increment per move. The tournament schedule allows players and their parents the time to enjoy all Chicago has to offer.
Arrival day is Friday, August 11 and round 1 starts on Saturday August 12 at 4 PM. There will be one or two round(s) each day from August 12 – 18. On Friday August 18, the final round is at 9:30 AM and the closing ceremony is at 4 PM.
The organizers have arranged with the hotel a special rate of $200 (USD) for single – quad; plus tax at the Marriott Marquis Hotel that is connected to the playing sight.
To register for the tournament, make hotel reservations, or for more details visit
Location: Chicago